We Have A Quorum

[photo by Annie Leibowitz]

L-R: Robocaller, the Dark Lord of Power Pop, Shaq Fu

Handsome Bastards Guild, the (alleged) deep state behind Netflix/Apple/Google/Facebook/Amazon/Crossfit, was briefly seen at a Tennessee mead house recently. Per sources, it was resolved that:

  • more beer please
  • a pilot study will be commissioned to create a bastard logo, with possible tattoo ramifications
  • offshore accounts all moved to Iceland
  • next meeting will be at the beer garden with hand-cranked sausage

Please update yourselves accordingly.

Funnier Than You Remember


Here’s the very first episode The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (AKA Rocky and His Friends, The Bullwinkle Show, The Rocky Show/The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show/The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle/The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Rocky, and Bullwinkle’s Moose-O-Rama), which aired on ABC way back on November 19, 1959.

Crude animation and clever as hell.