This Guy Again

Sorry, this stuff fascinates the hell out of me.

Ever wonder why we pronounce words differently than we did 100 years ago? Dialect coach Erik Singer breaks down four of the most mind-blowing facts we know about human language.


The Cars were a great live band!

University of Sussex, January 13, 1979


Submitted for your approval, a few suggestions for celebrating Mabon this year.

  1. Setting Up Your Mabon Altar: Celebrate the Mabon Sabbat by decorating your altar with the colors and symbols of the late harvest season.
  2. Create a Mabon Food Altar: Mabon is a celebration of the second harvest season. It’s a time when we’re gathering the bounty of the fields, the orchards, and the gardens, and bringing it in for storage.
  3. Honor the Dark Mother at Mabon: This ritual welcomes the archetype of the Dark Mother and celebrates that aspect of the Goddess which we may not always find comforting or appealing, but which we must always be willing to acknowledge. (Hint: virgin sacrifice.)
  4. Mabon Apple Harvest Rite: This apple ritual will allow you time to thank the gods for their bounty and blessings, and to enjoy the magic of the earth before the winds of winter blow through.
  5. Hearth & Home Protection Ritual: This ritual is a simple one designed to place a barrier of harmony and security around your property.
  6. Hold a Gratitude Ritual: You might want to consider doing a short gratitude ritual as a way of expressing thankfulness at Mabon.
  7. Autumn Full Moon — Group Ceremony: This rite is written for a group of four people or more to celebrate the full moon phases of the fall. (Hint: virgin sacrifice.)
  8. Mabon Balance Meditation: If you’re feeling a bit spiritually lopsided, with this simple meditation you can restore a little balance into your life.

Also, this miniseries scared the ever-living shit out of me when I was a wee bastard.


Happy Batman Day

Painting by Alex Ross, obviously.

And fuck Bob Kane for screwing co-creator Bill Finger, who allegedly died broke.

Julie Newmar In Memphis

This is an old TV show called Route 66, “Give the Old Cat a Tender Mouse,” season 3, episode 14. Original air date December 21, 1962!

Tod meets Vicki Russell again (from “How Much a Pound is Albatross”). She is again riding her motorcycle and this time has a boyfriend Frank pursuing her.

This is the spot where Tod chases Vicki out of the hotel parking lot.