Exit Interview

And not even the first time!

(apologies for screen orientation set to swashbuckling)

It’s been great having you, Conrad.

Ha Ha Ha… Nope.

I still need to finish Queen’s Gambit, but after this trailer I’m thinking of cancelling Netflix.

Guess What?

Okay, I’ll tell you. According to Ars Technica

Peter Jackson’s next six-hour epic is finally coming out this year—and in a first for the acclaimed director, the film will launch directly to a streaming service. It will also be broken up into episodes.

The Beatles: Get Back, an expansive documentary originally announced for a theatrical run this August, has had its release strategy tweaked. On Thursday, Jackson and Disney confirmed that the entire project will launch exclusively on Disney+ during this year’s American Thanksgiving holiday. Each third of the documentary will launch on the streaming service on November 25, 26, and 27. As of press time, Disney hasn’t said how the film will reach audiences outside of Disney+’s supported territories. Neither Jackson nor Disney clarified how the original theatrical run might have worked or whether the global pandemic forced anyone’s hand.