Mission Statement For Your Band

Band Name Bureau has a Twitter account, an Instagram Feed and a paid subscription service. The guy who started it began as an AV Club compiler, and the Ten Year Retrospective of Band Names was stellar. Included are links to bands, songs, and desolate wastelands like MySpace. With all respect to Fartbarf, my favorites:

Here Comes Old Vodka Tits
Coach Said Not To
Carlos I’m Pregnant
Diagnosis? Bastard
Okilly Dokilly (“the world’s only Nedal band”)

I have no idea if these bands are any good, but I’m sure that you music industry veterans can confirm it doesn’t matter, it’s all about your name.

I think if someone cleaned up the audio, Carlos I’m Pregnant wouldn’t be half-bad.

Don’t Watch After Eating

I hate the songs of Jimmy Webb.  He won a jillion Grammy’s, and he’s regularly named as a great songwriter by people who really should know better (Bruce Springteen and some others).  At his best, his songs are merely annoying, melodically vapid, and oozing with gooey sentimentality (his songs for Glen Campbell: Galveston, Wichita Lineman, By the Time I Get To Phoenix).  At his worst, they are also pretentious (McArthur Park) and stupid beyond all description (Up, Up and Away, McArthur Park again).  I once played Richard Harris’s original hit version of McArthur Park to my older son, who was certain I was playing him a comedy record.  If you’re so inclined, above you can watch him perform what could be the worst song ever written with such bone-headed earnestness that you may find yourself wanting Anton Chigurh to walk up and do his captive bolt stunner thing on him.  I didn’t even make it to the infamous “cake out in the rain” part (surely the dumbest metaphor ever devised).  In a way it’s funny, but mostly not.  My question to you bastards: am I incorrect?  If any of you are Jimmy Webb fans, can you clue me in as to what’s good about him?  Did he write some hidden gems I’ve never heard?  Because based on his biggest hits, I don’t get his reputation as one of the greats at all.

The Day My Baby Gave Me A Surprise


When I was a senior in high school, we would cut study hall some afternoons and sneak over to my friend’s house to watch DEVO videos on VHS.

This one is a classic.

Shaken, Not Stirred


I’m all for Daniel Craig.  Skyfall is one of my favorite films of the last ten years. Fleabag was brought in to liven up this script. Bodes well.