

I like the studio version better than any of the live youtube-ables. One of my favorite S-K tunes.

I Will Rock Your Ass With My Flute

I like these guys!

  • They’re called Jethro Tull, but I’m not sure which guy is Jethro Tull
  • The singer is Ian. He must be related to the Monty Python “It’s” guy but I should research that some more.
  • If you’re going to rock a flute, institutional escapee is the right aesthetic for sure. He’s Scottish, so I don’t know if that means it’s a fife instead of a flute. Probably someone will tell me. I don’t see any bagpipes anywhere.

They’re from WHERE?

While off down internet wormholes prompted by this blog, I ran across the horrible clickbait article “Best Band from Every State,” which is designed mostly to start fights. It caught my attention because the Boys of Beach, above, and as pictured in the article, might qualify for the California designation… but not without Brian Wilson, SMH.

Anyway, I learned a little band geography and will be curious to see everyone’s reaction. As the sometimes Pacific Northwest rep, I’ll say that they’re right about Idaho, glaringly wrong about Oregon, and a little off with Washington.

Who Knew?

I think we all did. But the Beach Boys weren’t surfers is such pedantic gold.

Enjoy Pavid Vermin and I’m pretty sure that’s Mary Ann at about 0:30.

More Space Junk

I’m convinced that someday the mother ship is coming for me, so I like to scan spaceward. The International Space Station is the third brightest object in the sky, and Spot the Station provides an excellent resource for following it. I plugged in the hometown and got this:

In addition to the ISS, it’s important to watch the planets. The Hubble Telescope takes photos every year (monitoring Jupiter’s monolith, presumably) and recently uncovered excitement on Saturn:

“In the northern hemisphere of Saturn, it was early autumn when Hubble took this year’s look at the ringed planet. A mysterious six-sided hurricane has reappeared around the planet’s north pole. The storm, big enough to swallow four Earths, was first spotted by the Voyager spacecraft in the early 1980s. Last year it was hard to see but this year it has reappeared.

Farther out, it’s springtime on Uranus . . .”

Do Ya Think I’m Sexy

Not really. But unintentionally funny? Yes!

“By now, you and I are very used to watching some of our most elderly and most British celebrities go insane. So allow me to introduce a new and oddly refreshing entrant into the English Boomer cinematic universe: Sir Rod Stewart. As far as I can tell, Rod isn’t against transgender people, or vaccines, or whatever Morrissey happens to be against at any given moment. He just wants to be horny… truly it’s an arse state of affairs when Rod Stewart — a 76-year-old man who has had eight children with five different women and marries a new supermodel once per decade — feels as if his resting libido is being held down. Luckily for us, the old geezer has decided to rebel against all of this millennial prudishness with a new album and a new video. AND WHAT A VIDEO.”

– Drew Magary, in a magnificent article.