Something Fishy

Turns out Endless Shrimp was more than a lousy idea; there may have been shrimp-supply chicanery involved.  But the attraction here is Patrick Boyle, who gets the comedy of business like no one else.

More Cowbell!

I wanted to submit this for today’s Music League round (songs about drinking), but it’s not on Spotify.  This one may surprise you.  Atypical for PH, as it was written by their guitarist instead of one of their two keyboardists.  He began asserting himself more in the later albums of his tenure with the band, sometimes for better, sometimes not.  The one thing he should never have done is sing.


Maurizio Pollini, age 82.  Probably the most technically perfect of the major pianists who began their careers in the 60’s.  He studied under the obsessively perfect nutcase, Aurturo Benedetti Michelangeli.  Some considered him (and his teacher’s) playing too cerebral and cold, as if they were showing contempt for the music they were playing by playing it so perfectly.  I disagree.

CB Savage

This was my initial choice for today’s Music League topic, but I decided to poison this blog instead.  Sorry.


I don’t know if I’d like porter, but this video sure makes me want one.  In all likelihood, none of us has had the real thing.  I’m sure some of the jillions of craft breweries out there offer a porter, but is anyone drawing it from separate kegs like in this video? Apparently it became a lost art in the early 70’s.  Sad.