
Roky has exited to another plane. Dude was cool. I highly recommend the documentary on him. Also doing lots of drugs and listening to his records.

Read it here


The original Wookiee, Peter Mayhew. Dead at 74.

Clueless Gamer

Conan reviewed Grand Theft Auto 5 for his Clueless Gamer segment way back in 2013. Still funny. And relatable.


Scott Walker (born Noel Scott Engel), aged 76. He’s the guy Bowie ripped off for his crooner voice – which Bowie readily admitted.

Is This True?

Yeah, we were told that Elvis wasn’t discovered as such at all! He was just some freaky-looking kid always making a nuisance of himself around Sun Studios and nobody wanted to know him. Like here’s this guy who dyed his fuckin’ eyebrows and dressed in black pimp clothes—and this was the ‘50s in the South, you’ve got to remember—and Sam Phillips and all the session guys thought he was some disgusting little faggot!

However Elvis did have this one piece of luck. His mother, right, had a really bad weight problem and the doctor prescribed her this enormous supply of diet pills which just happened to be… these pills were just pure benzedrine, right, which is a very potent form of speed.

And all those Sun guys just lived on speed, man. So when Phillips found out that Elvis could get bottles of these things, he let him hang around. So, like, here was Elvis every week bringing huge bottles of these pills to the guys at Sun until, as he was the studio’s main source of supply for speed, Phillips was more or less obliged to let him cut a record.

So like, rock ‘n’ roll was born simply because Elvis Presley was Sun Records’ number one speed dealer.

Lux Interior

Now I Wanna Be Your Dog

I caught the first episode on Sling TV the other night. Pretty … pretty … pretty … pretty good.

Four-part docuseries ‘PUNK’ from John Varvatos and Iggy Pop takes you inside the music, fashion, art and the DIY attitude of the punk rock movement. [Premiered] March 11 on EPIX.

Ramones 12th Show Ever

CBGB, September 15th, 1974. If there’s anything better than this, I don’t want to know what it is. Including the between-song arguments and Tommy bitching about how fast everything is.

1) Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
2) I Don’t Wanna Go Down to the Basement
3) Judy Is a Punk