The Rutles

Not sure how long this’ll be up on YouTube, so enjoy it whilst you can. I’d forgotten just how great the music is.

And the more you know about The Beatles story, the funnier it is.


Caroll Spinney, AKA Big Bird (also Oscar the Grouch), dead at 85. Another piece of my childhood chipped away.

Heartwarming Pseudo-Sequel Or Cynical Corporate Bullshit?

I submit to you that it can be both. Here’s the full version of the commercial that aired during yesterday’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

From io9

Xfinity, if you are scratching your head for the connection here, is the digital cable, internet, phone, etc. provider owned by Comcast. Comcast owns NBC, which aired the parade. It also owns Universal Pictures, which owns E.T. So, basically what you’re looking at is major corporation dipping into a considerable bag of tricks labeled “Nostalgic Intellectual Property” and throwing Super Bowl commercial money at it.