Fascinating Stuff

I don’t know who really shot Kennedy, but I do think Bigfoot was involved.

Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered two days after he was arrested for assassinating US President John F. Kennedy. But before Oswald died, he claimed that a damning piece of evidence against him — a photo showing Oswald holding the rifle that killed the president — was fake. In fact, he said his face was superimposed onto another person’s body to set him up.

The photo’s authenticity has been in question ever since, and it plays a key role in the conspiracy theory surrounding JFK’s death. The shadows in the photo seem inconsistent, and Oswald’s crooked stance under the weight of the rifle looks like he is about to tip over. Plus, his face doesn’t look the same as it does in his mug shot.

For decades, conspiracy theorists have used this image as key evidence to suggest that Oswald was framed. But decades of analysis — including recent 3D forensic analysis — has proved over and over that the photo is likely authentic.

Made of Stone

Wow this was good.

Also: I can make more sense of Oasis.

I never quite got the Oasis fervor. But now it just seems to me like England was craving Stone Roses to become the band they were destined to be… and then for various stupid record label and other reasons, they didn´t become that band. There was sort of a Manchester rock awesomeness vacuum, and whatever their redeeming features are, Oasis walked into it at the right time.

Viva Stone Roses, and Reni – what a drummer!

No Wonder The Beatles Broke Up

This is ridiculous, and I can’t believe those people applauded after having their eardrums assaulted. Everyone knows that the best Billy Joel covers were done by the Subteens…


Don’t Make A Grown Man Cry

This video always makes me think of my childhood best friend’s little brother, who did a flawless Mick Jagger based entirely on the first 30 seconds.

Moreover, I will go to my grave insisting Tattoo You is a great album.

Eggleston and Big Star

I was fashionably late to both the Big Star and the William Eggleston party, but at least I made it. Here’s some really cool images from way back when. As a music aficionado who has a penchant for all things single lens reflect, this is right up my alley. Click here for more Memphis goodness.

Apologies if y’all have seen these before, I’m still learning about the epic times in Memphis back in the day.

Does A.I. Mean Artificial Iceman?

This is creepy, but also fascinating. Makerbot and I were discussing the new Val Kilmer documentary recently, and how sad it is. In case you didn’t know, Val had cancer and can no longer speak. Well, no some fancy computer people have been able to re create his voice with AI, and it sounds just like him.