This video always makes me think of my childhood best friend’s little brother, who did a flawless Mick Jagger based entirely on the first 30 seconds.
Moreover, I will go to my grave insisting Tattoo You is a great album.
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
This video always makes me think of my childhood best friend’s little brother, who did a flawless Mick Jagger based entirely on the first 30 seconds.
Moreover, I will go to my grave insisting Tattoo You is a great album.
Side two of Tattoo You is the sexiest album side ever. Absolutely phenomenal make-out music.
This album was my first real experience with Mick and co. My best friend who lived across the street had parents obsessed with music, and they always had something spinning. Hang Fire is a great song off that record.
I don’t think you’ll get much argument among the greater bastardate over the quality of Tattoo You.
(1) I was expecting no music and another uproarious Dancing in the Streets- style production
(2) this came out the same year as Olivia Newton-John’s Physical. The similarity is . . . a little unnerving.
The guy who uploaded what is arguably the funniest YouTube video ever has almost 5,000 subscribers for only one video.