I didn’t realize Elvis Costello’s dad was also a performer. Apples and trees….
Digi Granny
I’ve been targeted by a couple clever scams. It’s nice to know that Daisy’s out there keeping us safe.
Cutting Edge Technology
Clear, precise instruction!
Nashville Teens
Not from Nashville.
Probably not teens.
But they shared at least one bill with The Small Faces.
Holidays in the Sun
PiL will represent Ireland in Eurovision with Hawaii, an ode by Lydon’s to his wife. It apparently IS a love song.
Don’t Ask Me What I Want It For
I know it’s probably verging on blasphemy for some when I say I’m really digging Giles Martin’s new stereo mix of Revolver. Thinking very seriously of grabbing it on vinyl.
Pistols Ephemera Up For Auction At Sotheby’s
Check out all this cool stuff! By the way, that’s an Animation City single-cel composite for The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle, c. 1978 (Estimate: 1,500 – 2,000 GBP).
From The Guardian …
If Pistol, Danny Boyle’s recent TV series, was the story of a rock band, then this collection is the story of an idea: a collaborative multimedia art project in which Reid and McLaren, who met at Croydon art school, were at least as significant as Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious. “They all brought their own unique visions and the Sex Pistols was the pot that everyone threw everything into,” Stolper says. Many of the images, ostensibly created to promote gigs and records, hold up as artworks in their own right. You could see them without having heard a note of the Sex Pistols’ music and know that they represented a radically significant moment in British youth culture. “This is all at the service of something else,” Wilson says, “and working out what that something else is is the intriguing part of it.”
Bidding opens October 10.
Tell Us About Yellowbeard
“Boogie” Said with A Mancunian Accent is My New Drug
I’m addicted to Andrew Hickey’s A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs. I started at #1 after finishing Cocaine & Rhinestones, and have grown progressively more impressed with it. It’s impeccably researched,and so full of good stories and facts you never had any idea of. The episode on “Brand New Cadillac” is masterclass. Highly recommended. I will avoid spoilers.
Episode 77: “Brand New Cadillac” by Vince Taylor and the Playboys
Don’t Make A Grown Man Cry
This video always makes me think of my childhood best friend’s little brother, who did a flawless Mick Jagger based entirely on the first 30 seconds.
Moreover, I will go to my grave insisting Tattoo You is a great album.