Lot 208 of 401, with a starting bid of $5,000.00. It’s expected to go for as much as $15,000.00!
From the auction site …
A male nurse ‘Pig Face’ makeup appliance from Rod Serling’s essential anthology series The Twilight Zone. This foam latex makeup appliance is painted in a light flesh tone with pink lips and large nostrils, and has been professionally conserved by LACMA object conservator Irena Calinescu and pin-mounted to an oval museum board. The appliance was made by prolific Hollywood makeup artist William Tuttle, who previously worked on H.G. Welles’ The Time Machine. It was acquired from science fiction writer and memorabilia collector Forrest J. Ackerman. This appliance has been meticulously cared for and stored in a light, climate and humidity controlled fine art warehouse. As a result, though the appliance is delicate and the foam is now brittle with age, the shape, color and appearance remain intact, and it is in good vintage condition overall.
In the episode ‘The Eye of the Beholder’ (206), the appliance is worn during the trademark twist ending, when the medical staff is repulsed by their patient’s ‘horrific’ beautiful appearance, one of the seminal moments in television history.
There’s actually TONS of cool shit in this auction. Check it out here.