“Like being picked on in 5th grade.”
Some other descriptions from around the web: like “earwax, bandaids, and burnt hair.” My favorite: “like swallowing a burnt condom filled with gasoline.”
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
“Like being picked on in 5th grade.”
Some other descriptions from around the web: like “earwax, bandaids, and burnt hair.” My favorite: “like swallowing a burnt condom filled with gasoline.”
That’s hilarious.
When you need to unfriend someone….in person.
Damn, now I’m strangely curious.
Yeah, it’s fascinating that there’s a cult devoted to this drink that most people can’t stand.
I actually gagged a little.
The official brau of the blög!
Does this mean you found some?!
I wish.
They’re out of toilet paper and Malört at the local grocery.
People must be hoarding.