Hey! I Can Last Four Seconds

New developments in How Little Can I Exercise: if you crank the above heavy flywheel – zero resistance bike at max effort for FOUR SECONDS at one-minute intervals, you see:

– increased overall fitness
– increased muscle mass and leg strength
– reduced stiffness of your arteries

The HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts have gone berserk. Fifteen four-second bursts, three days a week for several weeks, gets you the benefit. They’ve finally studied it in old schlubs like us.


It’s like, one minute of actual exercise per day. Story here.

How much does this surely overly-expensive proprietary bike cost? They won’t say on their website. Makerbot build me one!

Music Will Save Us All?

As this site’s extremely senior medical correspondent, I’m happy to report that I received my first COVID 5g chip a couple of weeks ago and am scheduled to inject the second one tonight. My corpuscles and sinews have nearly hit the intended full metal zone vibrato. More on the uh, science, here.

Would You Like To Play A Game?

Play here.

This is Life, a simple computer game designed by John Conway in 1970. It has three rules:

– Birth rule: An empty, or “dead,” cell with precisely three “live” neighbors (full cells) becomes live.

-Death rule: A live cell with zero or one neighbors dies of isolation; a live cell with four or more neighbors dies of overcrowding.

– Survival rule: A live cell with two or three neighbors remains alive

It has fascinated people for years.

”I first encountered Life at the Exploratorium in San Francisco in 1978. I was hooked immediately by the thing that has always hooked me — watching complexity arise out of simplicity.

Life ought to be very predictable and boring; after all, there are just three simple rules that determine the position of some dots on a grid. That really doesn’t sound very interesting until you start tweaking those rules and watching what changes.

Life shows you two things. The first is sensitivity to initial conditions. A tiny change in the rules can produce a huge difference in the output, ranging from complete destruction (no dots) through stasis (a frozen pattern) to patterns that keep changing as they unfold.”

– Brian Eno

More here.