Fat Elvis, you’re fired. Oui is their first new one since 2011’s Rock & Roll Submarine. It somehow came out back in February! And contains an unironic cover of George Michael’s “Freedom.”
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
Fat Elvis, you’re fired. Oui is their first new one since 2011’s Rock & Roll Submarine. It somehow came out back in February! And contains an unironic cover of George Michael’s “Freedom.”
Man, I still haven’t gotten around to Exit the Dragon.
Interesting how when you’re young, and a band you like releases a new album, you drop everything and listen. When you’re older, it just gets added to your list.
I’m more concerned that Fat Elvis has been fired.
Musk-erbot needs to look around and realize that we’re already running on a skeleton staff. Who can replace everything that Fat Elvis brings to the table?
Not me! I go to one concert every three years and FE goes to five a week. Did I know Urge Overkill was a band? Maybe! Do I know where they’re from? No!
Just don’t go firing people and expect the rest of us overworked plebes to pick up the slack.
Ok, the gig’s up. Truth is, Musker-bot fired FE out of necessity. Los Bastardos Reuinidos Media Holdings, LLC, invested heavily in Renfield Bucks, a currency poised to change the nature of money and spread prosperity to all mankind. He even used his Renfield Bucks as collateral to fund, among other things, beer-fueled evenings of mayhem in Nashville recently. Renfield Bucks in turn heavily invested in LBRMH, and would very much like to know where those funds are; holders of Renfield Bucks are very upset about that investment. OK, I bought a car with the money too, but not a very nice one. I have no idea where the rest is, I promise. Truth is, I have no idea how much I invested in LBRMH.
LBRMH jumped the shark with that cringey crypto commercial starring Twink.
I knew something was amiss, and despite working for the company, tried to decrease the exposure in my portfolio: I traded Renfield Bucks on an exchange for SubÇoin.
What is SubÇoin? From Memphis Business Weekly:
Hahaha I believed that shit! It doesn’t mean anything!
When I found out that the primary creditor of SubÇoin was LBRMH, I bailed.
I must insist you hang on to Renfield Bucks. They really will solve climate change and ward off pandemics. Trust me, I’m a good person. I wear cargo shorts.