Power, precision, feel, taste. And Headon plays like a true musician, coming up with lots of interesting patterns within the same song.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
Power, precision, feel, taste. And Headon plays like a true musician, coming up with lots of interesting patterns within the same song.
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Topper is great. If only he’d played drums on The Clash…
Educational for me, thanks! Great to see him make it out of his wayward youth intact… unlike Moon or Bonham or Stumpy Joe.
A. Townshend payed for his rehab when the Clash threw him out.
B. He only got clean about 8 years ago?! Ok. I looked it up and this was from 12 years ago, so hopefully 20 years clean now. But still.
Yeah, I also checked the video date after thinking “holy shit, that’s thirty-five years of junkiedom.” Turns out it was “only” around twenty. He still out-Keithed Keith.