God, this song is awful, but I can’t resist it. Sadly, at this point in my life Afternoon Delight is a bowl and a cold beer.
Multitalented Moze
I think Makerbot suggested we do MORRISSEY MONDAY and I’m here for it.
The above passage won the prestigious Bad Sex in Fiction award in 2015. From Morrissey’s debut novel List of the Lost, which I’m sure we’ve all read.
You’re welcome.
The dancing meets the high standards of the song.
Gotta Beer In My Beer
For my bros.
Traffic, Splained
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This may have been obvious to you fine bastards, but it was kind of a new perspective for me. See you on the monorail.
The Internet’s Inevitable Enshittification
How platforms decay, as explained by Cory Doctorow to NPR. Finally a name for what we may not consciously recognize but deep down know is going on.
… I think Facebook’s a good example. Facebook went through the whole lifecycle of platform decay. They started off by offering a really good deal to their end users. They said, “Hey, leave MySpace, come to Facebook. It’s just like MySpace, except we only show you the things that you asked to see, and we’ll never spy on you.”
And then once those users were locked in — because once you’re in a place with all of your friends, it’s really hard to leave — they started to take away some of that good stuff they gave them, and they handed it to advertisers and publishers.
To the advertisers, they said, “We were lying when we said we weren’t going to spy on these guys. We’re totally spying on them. Here’s all the data you need to target them for ads that we’re not going to charge you much money for.”
And to the publishers, they said, “We are also lying when we said we’d only show them the stuff they asked to see.”
And then once the publishers and the advertisers were locked in, well, they took away those surpluses. The ads got more expensive. Publishers had to put more and more of their content — not just to get recommended, but even to be shown to the people who subscribed them. And that’s the final stage, the stage where there’s just only the residual value left on the platform that the platform owner thinks will keep the users and the business customers they bring in stuck to the platform. And that’s when we’re at the beginning of the end.
Further reading.
Drinking Irish Whiskey On The Irish Sea
You Bastards still haven’t listened to this yet, have you? I only listened to three or four new records this year, but this one is up there with any of my all-time favorites by any artist.
Came across the trailer above in an interesting interview with Isbell talking about working on Killers of the Flower Moon, which he was very good in as well. Ok, I’ll stop now.
I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This
Never made it more than about three minutes whenever I try to watch the infamous holiday special. This looks promising, though!
And Now For a Bassist Who Sucks
Who’s the opposite of Jamerson or McCartney? Phil Lesh, of course. I could not listen to all of this, I just sampled here and there. What I did hear sounded like the noodlings of a tin-eared fifteen-year-old who recently took up bass. There is nothing remotely interesting going on musically or technically. What he needs is a nun to slap his hand with a ruler.