Boomers didn’t invent sex.
Experimental Matrimony
Ah, the emptiness of modern comforts…
Can a song be both great and ridiculous? Fifty years on, I’m still wondering. But I still love this and almost everything from Roxy’s first five albums.
Sex-Crazed Sanity
A new use for Viagra. I carry some genetic risk for Alzheimer’s, indeed you bastards may have already diagnosed me. If I go this treatment route, Mrs. Renfield’s probably going to throw open the marriage on my end.
Do Ya Think I’m Sexy
Not really. But unintentionally funny? Yes!
“By now, you and I are very used to watching some of our most elderly and most British celebrities go insane. So allow me to introduce a new and oddly refreshing entrant into the English Boomer cinematic universe: Sir Rod Stewart. As far as I can tell, Rod isn’t against transgender people, or vaccines, or whatever Morrissey happens to be against at any given moment. He just wants to be horny… truly it’s an arse state of affairs when Rod Stewart — a 76-year-old man who has had eight children with five different women and marries a new supermodel once per decade — feels as if his resting libido is being held down. Luckily for us, the old geezer has decided to rebel against all of this millennial prudishness with a new album and a new video. AND WHAT A VIDEO.”
– Drew Magary, in a magnificent article.
Lady Boner Pills
Well, Gwyneth has done it. She’s developed a pill that will put an end to the “not tonight, I’ve got a headache” excuse, for only $55. What’s it called you ask… DTF. No lie. As in Down To F**k. I’m think this and that vagina scented candle she’s selling will make great stocking stuffers for Mrs Droogie this holiday season.
Hell’s Wizard Demands Chained Nudes
Seriously, what’s with the toga?
The Stars Were Shining Bright
Guitar player numbers his Les Paul’s like Pete. Singers have real talent. And they’re doing an Elvis song. Let me see, what else is interesting here…..
Have a great weekend, you dirty bastards.
Now More Than Ever
Spell your porm correctly.