Directed by Zack King-of-Plot-Holes Snyder, cribbed from Escape From New York, American Werewolf In London, Aliens, Ocean’s 11, and Raider’s Of The Lost Ark. And probably others I missed.
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
Directed by Zack King-of-Plot-Holes Snyder, cribbed from Escape From New York, American Werewolf In London, Aliens, Ocean’s 11, and Raider’s Of The Lost Ark. And probably others I missed.
I didn’t watch this, as *SPOILERS* I don’t want to ruin anything.
But then, I also probably don’t want to watch the film, and I do enjoy a good pitch meeting.
Summary: conflicted.
Keep you updated.
It’s gonna look very cool. I’m glad I watched this so I don’t have to watch that stupid movie.