This performance is what the kids call “cringe.” Ironically, my observation is also cringe.
As is my existence, according to my children.
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
This performance is what the kids call “cringe.” Ironically, my observation is also cringe.
As is my existence, according to my children.
These guys give Twink a run for his money…sideways goose stepping, like malfunctioning Nazi storm trooper robots.
The best and possibly oddest part of this strange performance is how the audience freaks out any time he shows a little suspender.
The shaving-with-the-mic schtick and annoying maniacal laugh (TWICE) is that part for me. In another performance (“Do the Freddie“) on the same Ed Sullivan episode, he’s still laughing. Dude, get some more material.
🎵 kids will envy you 🎵
“These guys make Herman’s Hermits look like death metal.”