“Ring of Fire” eclipse drops tomorrow.
Nashville – the center of the universe – only gets a 50% eclipse from about 10:30am to 1:30pm, with a peak at noon.
The full experience passes right through Roswell, so I’m pretty sure that this is the mother ship coming to get us. I’ll see you onboard.
Bastard road trip to Roswell for alien pick-up!
That was pretty cool! The shadows were freaking me out so I sacrificed a couple of goats.
Monkeystador’s Wild Eclipse Adventure:
(1) Don’t aim your phone’s Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor directly at the sun, you dope
(2) Punched nine tiny holes in a piece of paper and used it to project the image
I see four profiles in each quadrant: Donald Trump, Jesus, Atila the Hun, and TV’s Patrick Duffy.