So here’s one of my favorite Laurel & Hardy shorts. It’s almost 100 years old and still hilarious!
Perfect Day is historically significant for being the first movie in which someone says “Oh, shit.” (It’s ad-libbed by Uncle Edgar as the dog is helped out of the car at around the 13 minute mark.) The censors completely missed it.
A classic. Here’s one of my favorites. One minor detail I love is how the music changes at 4:42 to let you know Oliver’s friend is describing dancing girls.
Nice! I keep meaning to check out Stan & Ollie from 2018. From what I recall it got great reviews, and possibly received some Oscar nominations.
D’oh! No Oscar nominations, but tons of others, including the BAFTAs and Golden Globes.
Gout foot mishaps the clear forerunner to man gets hit in the nuts —
it’s never not funny.
Great observation! At least two L&H shorts with gout sufferers.