A propos of nothing.
Same, man.
He Loves These Idiots
And origin stories!
Don’t Worry About It
I recently ordered some shoes online. The brand is unpronounceable to me, as it features several consonants in a row. They have not exploded yet. But I’m wary.
CB Savage
This was my initial choice for today’s Music League topic, but I decided to poison this blog instead. Sorry.
Gotta Beer In My Beer
For my bros.
The Brothers Smothers
I can’t imagine how these damn commies would offend anyone, but then I have a soft spot for irreverent bastards. You can watch the documentary Smothered and learn how they got canceled.
Also, the tune vaguely reminds me of “Wild One” by Those Darlins. I’m sure I posted this many moons ago on Ye Olde Blogge. I’m going to re-indulge this great performance by Nikki Darlin et al.
I’m Not Trying to Be Elvis
I noticed this was leaving the Criterion Channel, and figured I’d watch it. I never really knew much about Orion (Jimmy Ellis) or listened to him at all, dismissing him as an Elvis impersonator. I know y’all aren’t Elvis (RIP PBUH) devotees like I am, so I don’t know if you’d find it as fascinating, but I was transfixed. Also, there is a ZINGER about 3/4 in, that they focus on for about 5 seconds, that discusses who his real father is (you can guess), and why he may sound EXACTLY like Elvis when he sings. As someone who has listened to a lot more EP than you have, I mean Exactly.
Continue reading “I’m Not Trying to Be Elvis”
Since HBO cruelly ended Barry and Succession at the same time, this bastard is angry. I know the rest of you are doing your highbrow summer reading clubs, but I’m left waiting for:
- True Detective: Night Country (“sometime in 2023”)
- Fargo Season 5 (sometime late 2023)
- Dune Part Deux (November 3, 2023)
- The Witcher Season 5 (June 29, 2023 hey that’s sooner than I thought!)
Anyway, Gemstones drops June 18th.
Tommy’s latest incarnation is his Cowboys in the Campfire outfit with longtime touring partner Chip Roberts. I for one am looking forward to it as he is my spiritual leader. Vinyl I don’t need pre-order!