Who’s the opposite of Jamerson or McCartney? Phil Lesh, of course. I could not listen to all of this, I just sampled here and there. What I did hear sounded like the noodlings of a tin-eared fifteen-year-old who recently took up bass. There is nothing remotely interesting going on musically or technically. What he needs is a nun to slap his hand with a ruler.
If This Is Punk, What Is Non-Threatening New Wave
Mars Junction?
You couldn’t make up the Winklevi; they are so much better than satire.
I enjoy a train wreck as much as the next surly old geezer, but I have not yet sampled the Aoelan cadences of Mars Junction.
Suckers Wanted
Julian Lennon will auction NFT’s of some of his prized memorabilia: John’s black cape from Help, a Les Paul ( I guess Yoko owns the Epiphone Casino), Paul’s handwritten notes for “Hey Jude,” and some other treasures. He’s keeping the originals. In Julian’s words,
I actually felt very bad about keeping all that stuff locked away, and I just felt that this was a unique way to continue dad’s legacy and show people the collections I have…
Aw, how nice. John’s legacy needs so much help these days. And I’m sorry he feels bad, but the money should help that.
You can’t have your cake and eat it, but with NFT’s you can have it and sell it!
There’s a sucker born every minute. –PT Barnum
Never give a sucker an even break. –WC Fields
Holy Mystery of Fandom
I like John Coltrane as much as the next egghead, but this is a little much.
… looks terrible.
I saw Cats on Broadway and thought it was about the dumbest thing I’d ever seen.