You Libertines fans already know this one, so I guess this is mostly for the rest of you. Great song. Notable about video is the absence of their co-frontman, the notoriously drug-addled Pete Doherty. Off on a bender, I guess. If you like it, check out performance of same song below on Letterman.
Yassssss… that good uncensored shit.
Love that Les Paul Jr. What ever happened to those guys? Oh yeah, drugs.
Oddly reassuring that they’re as sloppy as my band.
There’s good sloppy (Replacements, Libertines, et al.) and bad sloppy (Grateful Dead). Paul Westerberg best defined good sloppy when he said that when Bob Stinson fucked up, he “fucked up with majesty.” Bad sloppy just sounds tentative and incompetent.