This live version of Grey Lagoons from ‘72 has an insane synth solo by Eno at about 1:25. Back in the day, this was on a live bootleg called Champagne & Novocaine. My copy vanished many years ago, so I was thrilled to find this. Google may have bought and sold my soul and monetized my every impulse, but so far it’s been worth it. I love YouTube.
Fantastic! I’m assuming that’s the same synth he gave Bowie after they worked on Low together?
I know he used an EMS with Roxy Music, and it sounds like the same model used on Low and Heroes. Whether it’s the exact same instrument, I don’t know. Is that the one you saw on exhibit?
I think so. It’s this little guy …
Must be it, unless he had multiple. I’m sure he wasn’t rolling in money back then, so likely the same one. By the way, if you don’t feel like spending at least $15k for a vintage one, you can download a virtual one for $199.
This is great, muchos thankos!
[mechanical voice]
Google wishes to express affection for you, RENFIELD of MEMPHIS,
phone 901-***-****, and hopes
No! Bad Waymo! Waymo STOP at redthat you purchase all your holiday gifts from YouTube advertisers.
Ha ha. I know I’ll eat my words someday.