And so I pass it on to you. Happy Monday, bastards.
P.S. – The cover art is a parody of Bruce Springsteen’s Born To Run.
Tales of True Adventure for Rugged Men Not Unlike Yourself
And so I pass it on to you. Happy Monday, bastards.
P.S. – The cover art is a parody of Bruce Springsteen’s Born To Run.
Somehow I missed the Kiss/Cheap Trick show in Spokane on 08/01/77.
Cheap Trick set list:
Hello There
Big Eyes
Please, Mrs. Henry
Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace
He’s a Whore
Oh, Candy
Taxman, Mr. Thief
From the review:
Great song. For some reason I never saw them either. I was an early fan, but I guess I was never in the right town at the right time.
Me either! I see a bastard field trip in our future. Sucks that Bun E. retired, though.
Oh, and Next Position Please was produced by none other than Todd Rundgren!