Not his greatest song, but it has one of the funniest first verses I’ve ever heard and a Dave Edmunds solo (2:00) that curls what’s left of my hair. When I searched YouTube for this song, I ran across a ’79 documentary of the same name. Here is a clip where Lowe and Edmunds talk a bit about Phil Spector, then work on takes of that same solo. I haven’t watched past where the solo recording ends at 15:00, so I don’t know if the rest is worth watching. Nick Lowe seems rather, um, “relaxed.”
“Make it like you’ve … you’ve had enough … of punching cows, man …”
Lowe describes Edmunds as “difficult to love,” which is the nice way of saying he’s a prick.
But holy shit, what a guitarist. I saw him live a couple of times back in the day (not with Nick, sadly). I’m still looking for my jaw.
I’ve read somewhere that they had some kind of falling out and no longer speak.
Welshness could be a factor. I knew someone who grew up in Cardiff, DE’s hometown. He said that you either kicked someone’s ass or got your own ass kicked daily.
I enjoy when UK artists distill the twang and serve it back to us.