My first post on the originale blogge was David Lynch. It seems fitting that I should comment on how he affected me, the central character of the universe.
I’ll spare you.
Someone asked me what Lynch I would be staying up late watching. I thought “probably none; his work is always spinning in my head anyway; it’s easy to call scenes to mind simply by thinking about them.”
[partial view of the home Lynch shelf]
Please note Lynch on Lynch on the far left, too worn to be legible anymore. I love his intuition and his thinking, the dream logic, the credit he seems to give to his audience for being as artistic as he is. And Alan Splet (sound engineer) and Angelo Badalementi. The struggle to find expression in images and sound when words just won’t do. An endless source of inspiration, fascination, humor, and wonder for me. A lot of great tributes out there, including Kyle MacLachlan and Defector.
That’s a very well-spoken appreciation of Lynch, and spot-on.
A friend of a friend worked with him during his Eraserhead days and claimed that, while walking down the street in NYC, DL paused to look in a store display window. Seeing some blue velvet, he said something like, “that looks luscious, couldn’t you just eat it?”
Of course I have no idea if that’s true.
I’ve never gotten over Twin Peaks, a show I was addicted to, losing the ratings war with Cheers, a show I despised (even though it spawned Frasier, a show I liked).
Did anyone else here get a massive crush on Sherilyn Fenn during that show?
Only everybody.
We just watched Dune in his honor last night. It’s MUCH better than I remembered, now that I know what the hell’s going on. My greatest criticism of the film is that it’s just too much wedged into 137 minutes. But holy cow, the sets and costumes are gorgeous!
I saw it in the theater back in 1984 and didn’t have a clue what was going on, even with the little handout I was given to help get me up to speed.
Would Twin Peaks hold up today for someone who never saw it?
And music by Toto!
Tough question. Sometimes I re-watch a movie or re-read a book I liked when younger. Usually I’m still impressed, other times not. I was already thirty-ish when TP aired, so I’m guessing I’d still like it. Your mileage may vary.
I need to dig up Twin Peaks as I never watched it. Didn’t see the film either.
I didn’t watch Twin Peaks when it aired, but about four or five years later when my local independent video store had Season 1 on VHS. Each episode was an entire tape. I remember renting two or three at a time because I was that into it. I was binge watching before there was a term for it.
Season 1 (first seven episodes) grabbed me like nothing before or since. LIke I had no idea TV could be…. THIS. Maybe, like Renfield, it was the perfect time in my life for it to hit.
Lynch’s involvement decreased over Season 2 due to other projects and pressure from the network to not let him be himself. I found it uneven but still loved it. The episodes that had his obvious imprint were fantastic.
At some point I bought S1 on videotape. A friend wanted to borrow the series. Her life was a little more chaotic than mine, and I said “no, I don’t think you’ll set aside a few hours in the dark with ZERO INTERRUPTIONS and watch this like it should be watched.”
Clearly I was a jackass, but I never gave her the tapes.