High In The Sky . . .

. . . is what you would have to be to come up with this.

Inversion is building earth-orbiting capsules to deliver goods anywhere in the world from outer space. To make that a reality, Inversion’s capsule will come through the earth’s atmosphere at about 25 times as fast as the speed of sound . . .

Inversion aims to develop a four-foot-diameter capsule carrying a payload equivalent to the size of a few carry-on suitcases by 2025.

And one day, a shortcut through space could allow for unimaginably fast deliveries — like delivering a New York pizza to San Francisco in 45 minutes.

As you might imagine, there has been no shortage of venture capital to bolster this vision. Story here.

3 Replies to “High In The Sky . . .”

  1. This begs the question of who might want a pizza that’s not only 45 minutes old, but put through some temperature extremes.

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