So Good You’ll Want To Vomit?

Anyone watching this?

It’s supposed to be pretty terrifying to the point of making you vomit according to this article… 

Steven King went so far as to say the series is “close to a work of genius.” I finished 2 out of 10 episodes. It’s not as scary as people on the inter webs are making it out to be, but it’s good. Lemme know what y’all think…

3 Replies to “So Good You’ll Want To Vomit?”

  1. We’ve watched two episodes, and as much I’d like to say I love it, this show isn’t doing much for me. I think part of my problem is that all of the characters are miserable assholes, and I get enough of that at work already. The scary is so-so, probably because Hereditary has ruined me forever.

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